Holistic CRM and case management

Get a 360° view and be proactive regarding the customer needs.
Both for the customer and for you.

Get 360° insights into the customer's life situation

Holistic advice within reach. Holi provides insight into the client's entire finances and life situation, so you can offer the advice that is right for the client's situation.

Get to the forefront of customer needs

Holi gives the adviser the tools to spot when the client needs a pension check. With a single click, you can send a tailored flow if the client is buying a home, having children, getting married or divorced, for example.

This ensures proactive advice and generates additional sales when it's relevant to the customer.

Streamline your case management with Holi at hand

Holi provides the advisor with an intuitive case management system. Get a quick overview of both private and corporate clients. Create tasks and reminders for yourself or your colleagues with clear deadlines. Communicate directly with the client and send needs assessment flows with a single click.

White label solution with security in mind

All our solutions are 100% white label and can be adapted to your visual identity.

We encrypt data in two layers and log changes and activities, so security is top notch.


We're here to help if you want to book a demo or find out more about what Pensure can do for you.

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